Climate, sustainability & ESG

Bell Gully has the leading climate change and ESG practice in New Zealand. We combine our expertise with advice on all areas of law which are impacted by climate change, sustainability and ESG issues.

From involvement with core climate change legislation and development of New Zealand's Emissions Trading Scheme, to advising on the world's first avoided deforestation project and pioneering emissions trading activity, through to advising clients on greenwashing and mandatory reporting requirements, for the past 20 years our work has been at the leading edge of developments in this field.

Our firm advises on a full array of issues related to climate change, sustainability and ESG, from carbon trading to renewable energy and major infrastructure projects. We combine leading legal expertise with advice on all areas of law impacted by the regulation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Work highlights

New Zealand's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)
Sole legal adviser to New Zealand's Ministry for the Environment on commercial legal issues associated with the development of the ETS. This built on the firm's previous advice to the Ministry of Economic Development on the design of the legal framework for emissions trading.

Carbon issues in corporate transactions
Provided climate change advice to global law firms, as well as New Zealand and international clients during the due diligence and sale and purchase stages of a number of major merger an​d acquisitions transactions. This has included the sale and transfer of emissions units, the ring-fencing of liabilities and benefits arising under the ETS and warranties associated with regulatory liabilities, along with other aspects of a business.

The Big Picture: Climate Change – towards adaptation
