The Big Picture: Freshwater - A clear challenge

10 June 2020

​​​​​​Freshwater is fundamental to life. More than ever we need integrated solutions to the economic and environmental challenges New Zealand is facing, including in the context of freshwater. 

The lack of integration is evident when you consider we have spent hundreds of millions on policy and plans for freshwater management, but very little on supporting the behavioural changes required to deliver meaningful outcomes on the ground. If we are going to improve the state of freshwater in New Zealand and overcome the economic challenges of COVID-19, then it is imperative we have economic pathways for iwi, farmers, and others to make a living in ways that are compatible with the restoration of our environment.

Fortunately there are examples and proposed initiatives we can turn to for ideas and insights to inform a coherent vision and strategy. This includes intergenerational thinking from iwi who innately integrate environmental and economic considerations.​

The Big Picture: Freshwater - A clear challenge

The Big Picture Freshwater A Clear Challenge

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