A Helping Hand – Bell Gully's Pro Bono and Community Report

15 August 2023

Welcome to the thirteenth issue of A Helping Hand. This year we celebrate a notable milestone – the 15th year since our Pro Bono Programme was formalised.

Once again we are proud to put a spotlight on some of the incredible organisations we have lent a helping hand to as part of our Pro Bono and Community Programme.

In the last year we have continued to support a diverse range of organisations working in our communities on a wide range of challenges, including:

  • The Kindness Collective, which aims to connect families with the things that they need, from everyday essentials, to moments of joy;
  • FinCap, which was established to prevent people from getting into debt, and helping people out of it, by providing free financial mentoring services;
  • ChildFund New Zealand, which established an office in Kiribati with a focus on providing access to clean water in the face of climate change challenges; and
  • Marlborough Kaikoura Trail Trust, which established the ‘Whale Trail’, a walking and cycling trail rising up in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in the region.

We also catch up with pro bono partners we consider ‘old friends’ - some with new faces, and one with a whole new look:

  • Breast Cancer Foundation New Zealand; and
  • The Burnett Foundation

If you have any feedback or queries, please contact our Pro Bono and Community Programme Manager Rachel Gowing.

Disclaimer: This publication is necessarily brief and general in nature. You should seek professional advice before taking any action in relation to the matters dealt with in this publication.